Tutoring Services
Each tutoring session is personalized for the individual student as everyone brings different strengths to the learning space. Students can expect to have fun and leave each session feeling more confident in their learning.
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1 hr
70 Canadian dollars1 hr
60 Canadian dollars1 hr
60 Canadian dollars1 hr
From 100 Canadian dollars
Personalized Learning
We understand that every student learns differently and requires individualized learning strategies. Therefore, our main priority is getting to know each student and adjusting our teaching approach to best fit their needs, while also making sure we're having fun!
At the end of each session, students will receive study notes that were compiled by the student and Jalina during the session.
Knowledge Checks and Practice
In our first one-on-one session, Jalina will assess where students are at in their learning and make a plan about how to help catch them up or extend their learning.
We'll start with the basics and work our way up to more challenging problems throughout each session. Every math and science tutoring session will have opportunities for students to practice questions similar to what they see in class, such as a mix of knowledge and application problems. With guided support, students will become more confident in their abilities to problem-solve in their selected course area.
We ask that students bring paper and a writing utensil to each session in preparation for lots of practice opportunities!
Customized Sessions
We understand that not all students benefit or require a rigid tutoring schedule. Though we encourage weekly sessions to support practice and knowledge acquisition outside of the classroom, we are also happy to support single, one-time sessions, or whatever type of session fits your needs.
1 / Cancellation Policy
If you need to cancel a tutoring session, we ask that you cancel at least 12 hours in advance. Failure to do so may result in a $30 charge. If you have any questions, please contact us. We will do our best to accommodate your needs.
2 / Refund Policy
We do not issue refunds on tutoring services. If you have any questions, please contact us.
3 / Late Policy
Computer issues, stuck in traffic, things happen! However, due to tutoring sessions often being booked back-to-back, we cannot extend the sessions to go past their scheduled time if a student is late, nor offer a discount for the time missed.